Solar Eclipse of 2017

The solar eclipse this time covered the whole continental USA. Its path of totality spanned the continent West to East, across 14 States, while pretty much everybody else in North America was able to experience a partial eclipse. News coverage and social media has been bombarding everybody about the event. Recommendations about the purchase of the very necessary safety glasses and tips on other safe viewing techniques have been common theme. I am sure you all know about the big Amazon recall, and the price soar of these otherwise fairly inexpensive devices.


But one way or another, and even if on a Monday morning, the eclipse has happened, and millions have experienced it, some in exotic places, some in more mundane or unexpected ones.


Much like last solar eclipse (in 2014 for those who don’t remember), I did not travel, and watched the unfolding of the crescent sun from just outside. I placed the camera on a tripod, carefully protecting the lens (and my eyes) with a solar filter sheet. Then pointed the camera at the Sun.


Everything worked out great. Clouds at the beginning of the solar eclipse, though, made the sun too dark for the filter. So I had to miss the first 30 minutes worth of pictures.


Even at 300mm, the sun is still small, and it is very hard to compete with photographs and time-lapse from telescopes with star tracking mechanisms; or the likes of NASA, who even got the International Space Station photographed in transit against the Sun. Also, being in the path of totality would have been a more impressive experience for sure. Yeah, the corona, the diamond ring… Next eclipse? We’ll see. :-)


This might be useful for the future: if you own a telescope and were able to properly shield it with the proper filter, then this Gosky Universal Cell Phone Adapter, will help solidly attach the phone to the telescope eyepiece, allowing you to take amazing images with ease.

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I also managed to compose a time-lapse from the over 1500 frames that I captured. Here it goes:

Full gallery below.






