Tokyo Asakusa Senso-ji Buddhist Temple

The Asakusa Senso-ji Buddhist Temple is a place that – although some describe as touristic and crowded – I think is worth to be visited.


Asakusa Senso-ji Buddhist Temple - Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo’s public transportation being well connected, visiting the temple does not pose a big challenge on the traveler. The temple is definitely visitable in couple of hours to a full morning; and I would start earlier or around 9am, which is when some of the side street merchants will open and the crowds begin to grow.


Omikuji - Asakusa Senso-ji Buddhist Temple - Tokyo, Japan

Many things will capture your attention: from the drawing of omikuji; to the rituals of hand washing and incense smoke bathing; to the prayers at the shrine.


Prayer - Asakusa Senso-ji Buddhist Temple - Tokyo, Japan

Then there are the various merchants of souvenirs, from kimono’s to key-chains, traditional dolls and warriors, and various food stalls, most of which selling traditional sweets.


Baking sweets - Asakusa Senso-ji Buddhist Temple - Tokyo, Japan

Some with very interesting machinery, some others made in a more traditional manual way.

More after the break.